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What is the difference between dewar or pressurized tank?

What distinguishes a dewar from a pressurised tank?

There are several choices for nitrogen supply, including larger pressurised containers or non-pressurized Dewar tanks. Since you cannot swap one for the other since they are not interchangeable, it is crucial to pick the one that best suits your requirements right away.

Here are a few things to think about

Dewar tanks without pressurisation are more manageable and compact. They spend the duration of the session inside a cryosauna. During a session, nitrogen steam is pumped into the cabin through a pipe in the cryosauna that descends into the Dewar.

A Dewar has a wheeled base and weighs 14.5 kg when empty, making it simple to move. It seems to take up less room than a larger tank and would be simpler to replenish.

Consumption is definitely influenced by the session length, which ranges from 1.5 to 3 minutes, and the cabin’s temperature (for a beginner the operator can choose -130C, for a veteran user -150C is a more likely option). By arranging sessions one at a time with no more than a 10-minute break in between, you can conserve nitrogen. Additionally, environmental factors like humidity and room temperature affect nitrogen use and evaporation from tanks. The amount of sessions you can receive from a tank is therefore speculative.

Dewar tanks that aren’t pressurised have a 40-liter capacity (or 32 kg, as 1 litre of liquid nitrogen weighs 0.8 kg), which is enough for one chilling and around 8 to 10 sessions. Along with your cryosauna, you receive two tanks, and you may order more. This kind is ideal if you anticipate serving 10 clients a day or if you want to utilise a cryosauna at home.

The volume of pressurised tanks ranges from 100 l to 5,000 l. Using a 240-liter (192 lb) tank as an illustration, you might have about 60 sessions. This version is cost-effective and doesn’t need to be refilled too frequently. It is advised for establishments like gyms, spas, and clinics with a large volume of daily sessions.

In addition to some nitrogen evaporating along the hose, on the junctions between the valve and the hose, and between the tank and the hose, pressurised tanks have a somewhat greater evaporation rate than non-pressurized Dewars. But this loss is minuscule when there is a steady stream of clients.

If you’re unsure, get in touch with us and we’ll help you make a decision because both feed alternatives offer advantages and disadvantages.

What size pressure tank do I need?

How much of a pressure tank do I require?

Our clients often select pressurised tanks for cryosaunas with capacities ranging from 60 to 300 litres. The most widely used sizes are 120 and 230 litres.

When storing significant amounts of nitrogen, pressurised cryogenic tanks are the best option. They are advised for companies like gyms, spas, and clinics that have a large volume of daily sessions. This version is cost-effective and doesn’t need to be refilled too frequently.

One further thing to keep in mind when determining the size of a pressurised tank is that larger tanks have larger dimensions.

How does a pressure tank work?

The way a pressure tank functions

A pressurised tank is made up of an exterior vessel, insulation, an interior pressure vessel, and one or more necks with valves, flanges, or unions. The cryogenic liquid is pumped into and dispensed from the valves, and a pressure-control valve with a fragile rupture-disk serves as a backup safety measure.

The cryosauna’s pressurised tank remains outdoors. It is connected with a hose that your nitrogen supply need to give (if not, you can buy a 2-meter hose from us). When a session begins, a cryogenic valve that controls nitrogen flow opens at regular intervals, forcing nitrogen through the hose and into the cryosauna under pressure. The tank’s pressure should range from 1.5 to 2.5 bars.

How can you spot a faulty pressure tank?

There are various indicators that a pressure tank is defective and unfit for use:

  • The tank clearly shows traces of damage or alterations.
  • Neither a date stamp nor a code indicating that an inspection was performed, or it is past due (inspection period of usually 5 years)
  • There is no label with identification and ratings, the name or emblem of the maker, and a statement that it is appropriate for the gas type.
  • It does not meet the local requirements for pressure regulators, and the gauges are not labelled to meet the relevant local requirements.
  • The tank connection is not perpendicular to the regulator body and is soiled with oils, greases, solvents, or debris.
  • The cylinder pressure does not match the pressure rating.
  • Damaged and altered pressure release valves

Pick a dependable provider and use pressurised tanks according to all safety regulations to prevent any issues.

How much pressure should be in a pressure tank?

What level of pressure is ideal for a pressure tank?

Low pressure tanks and high pressure tanks are the two types of pressurised tanks available for storing nitrogen, respectively.

For the withdrawal of liquid nitrogen, low pressure tanks have a working pressure range of 1.5 bar and occasionally up to 4 bar. These stainless steel tanks are usually mobile thanks to spinning casters, although occasionally a pallet frame or stainless steel transport cart with air tyres may be used instead. These pressure tanks may be available with an optional pressure-building apparatus and/or capacitive level-measuring probe.

For the withdrawal of gaseous nitrogen, high pressure tanks have a working pressure range of 4 bar and, in certain circumstances, up to 37 bar. These tanks frequently have bigger capacities, ranging from 180 to 230 litres to 600 to 1000 litres and beyond.

Only pressurised tanks with a pressure-building system, which guarantees a maximum working pressure of 4 bar, are offered by us.

What results in the pressure loss of a pressure tank?

Liquid nitrogen in large quantities may be stored safely, conveniently, and portably in pressurised tanks. A pressure-building mechanism that provides a maximum working pressure of 4 bar is installed in every tank. There are controllers that prevent pressure from increasing, but what about pressure loss?

If the pressure in your pressure tank begins to drop, there has been a breach in the storage or transportation circumstances, resulting in a leak of the gas. You must abide by the regulations for the storage of pressurised tanks in order to prevent this:

carefully read the label on the bottle before using

Pressure tanks must always be kept upright when being stored.

Only transfer pressurised tanks using the required handling tools.

Make sure the regulator’s fittings match those on the liquid container before using.

  • Never using an Adapter
  • Never try to alter or take out any fittings
  • Do not attempt to alter a pressurised tank on your own
  • You may avoid any usage-related issues with pressure tanks by following these principles

Only get cryogenic pressure tanks from reputable suppliers. If there are any issues, get in touch with your vendor. Avoid attempting to address the issue on your own as it can be risky!

How long do pressure tanks last?

What is the lifespan of pressure tanks?

The nitrogen will stay in pressurised tanks for years, and they maintain the correct pressure and volume over time, which is a major advantage. It will always be prepared to act quickly (if the valves work). But if you rent a pressurised tank, the owner often charges a monthly leasing fee for the tank, which adds up over time. If you have the option, it is preferable to get a pressurised tank that you can fill as necessary.

Pressure tanks have a date stamp for the most recent test, and they should be examined every five years. If the test period extends past the nominal test date, refilling stations are not permitted to refill.

What location should the pressure tank be in?

Several conditions must be met at the location where the pressure tank will be located:

  • It should have adequate ventilation
  • The pressure tank must be kept safely away from combustibles, ignition sources, and sources of extreme heat
  • Because it is made of metal and transmits electricity, the pressurised tank must be maintained away from electrical circuits, open flames, sparks, etc.
  • This room’s temperature must not be higher than +52°C. Heat causes the gas to expand, which raises pressure inside the tank and increases the chance of an explosion
  • For the previously indicated reason, there shouldn’t be any direct sunlight
  • Tanks should be kept out of the path of traffic and emergency exits

In conclusion, it is recommended that nitrogen pressurised tanks be stored upright in a place that is well-ventilated, dry, cold, secure, and shielded from the elements—preferably one that is also fire-resistant.

When should a pressure tank be changed?

If all storage conditions are satisfied, liquid nitrogen in a pressurised tank will remain there for years. No matter the time, the tank maintains the correct pressure and volume. It will always be prepared to act quickly (if the valves work).

Your pressure tank should be examined every five years to make sure it is functional and ready for usage.

Your pressure tank has to be taken out in the following situations:

  • It’s bare (before they reach 30 bar)
  • You think there may be gas leaks
  • There are traces of damage or alterations to the tank
  • If your pressure regulator is malfunctioning

Therefore, if you think there may be a problem with your pressure tank, it should be changed and examined by professionals. Always keep in mind that employing a subpar pressure tank might be risky for both you and your customers.

Who uses cryotherapy and Cryomed products?

Who makes use of Cryo products and cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is becoming more and more common in the sports, medical, and cosmetic industries every year.

Celebrities are now using cryotherapy as a new “red carpet” fad. Before each significant occasion, Demi Moore, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Mandy Moore, Demi Lovato, Alicia Keys, and Jennifer Aniston have a quick treatment. With only one treatment, you may reduce the appearance of fake wrinkles while keeping your skin’s natural radiance, tightening it up, and making it appear younger.

The acceleration of metabolism is another positive side effect of cryotherapy. If combined with correct diet and a healthy lifestyle, it will promote body strengthening and weight loss.

Cryotherapy is used regularly by celebrities like Daniel Craig, Mark Wahlberg, Will Smith, Shaquille O’Neal, Lebron James, Justin Bieber, and Hugh Jackman in their sport and daily activity preparation, to get in shape before filming a movie, music video, or sporting event, or as a crucial component of their healthy lifestyle.

The top sportsmen in the world, like Matej Tóth, Cristiano Ronaldo, Floyd Mayweather, and LeBron James, use cryotherapy as a secret. The finer points determine who prevails on the playing field, in the ring, or on the pitch. Regular rehabilitation in a cryosauna can be the key to success in both competitive and leisure sports.

You may read some of our clients’ testimonials here.