Owners and users of cryotherapy
Learn about the different sorts of businesses and individuals who utilise cryotherapy chambers in this section. You’ll also discover why our clients decided to install a cryo chamber or cryosauna in their place of business, home, or training facility.
The customers are who?
Which Business and Professional Sectors Use the Cryo Chamber?
- Gym / Fitness Center
- Luxury Spa
- Chiropractor
- Stand-Alone Cryo
- Medical Spa
- Hotel
- Day Spa
- Tanning Salon
- Sports Medicine/Recovery
- Physical Therapist
- Hospitals/Clinics
Which Organization Types Use Cryo Chambers?
- Sports Clubs/Teams
- Athletic Associations
- Major Sporting Competitions
Who utilises our cryochambers for private use at home?
- Pro Fitness Trainers
- Pro Athletes
- Luxury Wellness Clubs
- Home Wellness
- Active People