°CRYO Abu Dhabi Country Club

Al Saada St - Al Mushrif - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
شارع شخبوط بن سلطان أبو ظبي أبو ظبي AE

A therapeutic technique called cryotherapy involves briefly subjecting the body to extremely low temperatures, usually between -110 and -180 degrees Celsius. Originating in Japan in the 1970s, the practise has grown in popularity as a remedy for a variety of ailments such pain, inflammation, and tight muscles.

Cryotherapy is offered in the form of cryochambers in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. The liquid nitrogen inside these chambers, which are typically cylindrical in shape, produces the incredibly low temperatures. The person enters the chamber in very little clothing and stays there for a while. Blood flow to the body’s core is increased as a result of the blood vessels’ constriction brought on by the extreme cold. Blood veins in the person’s body widen as they leave the chamber, increasing blood flow throughout the body.

Inflammation is thought to be reduced, recuperation times are sped up, and energy levels are thought to increase with cryotherapy. Additionally, it contains anti-aging properties, can aid with skin issues, and lessens muscle discomfort. Due to its capacity to improve metabolism and aid in calorie burning, cryotherapy is also employed as a weight loss therapy. In addition, it can be utilised to treat illnesses like fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and arthritis.

Cryotherapy is gaining popularity among athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and those trying to enhance their general health and wellness in Abu Dhabi. Cryochambers may be found in a lot of the city’s spas, fitness gyms, and wellness centres. It is a safe, non-invasive procedure that can be used to alleviate a variety of medical issues.

In conclusion, cryotherapy, which is offered in the form of cryochambers in Abu Dhabi, UAE, is a therapeutic technique that includes exposing the body to extremely low temperatures for a brief period of time. It has a number of health advantages and can be used to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, muscle soreness, inflammation, and pain. Athletes, fitness fanatics, and those trying to enhance their general health and wellness are all becoming more and more interested in cryotherapy.

cryo-abu-dhabi-cryochamber-cryosauna-cryotherapy.jpg 2 years ago
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Al Saada St - Al Mushrif - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates 0 km
A medical procedure called cryotherapy involves briefly subjecting the body to extremely low temp...
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