Terminology for Cryotherapy

Terminology for Cryotherapy

Terminology for Cryotherapy-Owners, operators, makers, and resellers of cryotherapy equipment frequently use distinct nomenclature to refer to their apparatus and their menu of therapies.

In order to clarify some of these words and prevent misunderstanding, we have taken the time to define the various terms that are used in the cryotherapy industry.
These words are frequently used in the same sentence.

Terminology for Cryotherapy

WBC – Whole Body Cryotherapy ) Cryogenic Therapy - Used as a term The term "whole body cryotherapy" is used to describe cryotherapy sessions in open-top cryosaunas. The client is subjected to the cold throughout the operation, with the exception of their head. The term "body" is frequently used in sectors other than cryotherapy, such as beauty and skin care, to refer to the torso from the neck down, which is how the term "whole body cryotherapy" appears in open-top cryosaunas. Nitrogen-based or hybrid systems are both possible for open-top cryosaunas.
What is Cryotherapy? - Cryotherapy is the programming of the body to take advantage of the healing properties of cold by employing cold air, icy drinks, or cold objects. In order to reduce pain and inflammation, vasoconstriction, which is what cryotherapy causes, is first intended to slow down blood flow in the treated area. The subsequent act of vasodilation, which occurs after the initial effects of cryotherapy wear off, might cause a shift in blood flow and other physiological changes. Cryotherapy is frequently mispronounced as cyrotherapy, which is just a typo. The term "cyrotherapy" does not exist.